Spaniel and Retriever Trials

For discussion on anything retrieving related - trialing, training equipment, news, etc.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Postby Paul Littlejohn » Thu 20 Nov 2003 10:56 pm

Hi all.

I'll wade through the matters that have been raised but I find it a little concerning with a statement made about only two States that held S/R trials last year. How many had shedualed them? How many tried but failed due to lack of game or numbers?. I realise that the mainland is having problems with game but every assistance has to be given to every aspect of ones choosen sport. In Tassie all our S/R triallers are Retriever triallers as well, I no this varies from state to state but if we are looking at new persons entering retrieving then lets not stop them by creating a negative outlook. Yes there may have been only two states that got them off the ground but from my information 6 states had a shedualed date if game became available. Wouldn't it have been nice if every state had managed to hold at least one and if from that every state picked up another trialler who was prepared to compete in more than one discipline.

Thanks to Peter for his views on the judges forum but there is one thing that has not been indicated in any of the mail and that is that Reg 3 and 4 are only the minimum requirements. I note that most states have increased these requirements in some way to ensure that judges coming into the system are educated and aware of all steps that are required.

I have not sent any of these to an Ex Tasmanina Trialler as he would explode. At the last rules review for retrieving there was a proposal put forward in relation to increasing points above the line to 65 ( 45 for field work) and then also increasing it below the line to accomodate, when this was raised at the ANKC RAFT it could not even get a seconder to open it for discussion. How some things change.
Paul Littlejohn
Posts: 45
Joined: Fri 14 Nov 2003 11:00 am

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