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Time limits on posts

PostPosted: Fri 13 Feb 2004 2:53 pm
by Jason Ferris
Hi all

A few people have run into a problem with posting messages which I thought it may be useful to let everyone be aware of.

When a user logs in and takes more than 90 minutes drafting a message, the system considers them to be 'inactive' and logs them off. The result is that the carefully considered message is lost.

If you are considering a long message, or want to take your time in drafting, I would suggest that you draft the message in Word or another wordprocessor then copy and paste the text into a message on the bulletin board. That way you can save your drafts as you go along.

Cheers, Jason.

PostPosted: Fri 13 Feb 2004 9:29 pm
by Brian McMillan

Thanks for the tip; as I tend to be long winded and slow of thought, I can see me getting bumped off from time to time.


PostPosted: Sat 14 Feb 2004 3:56 pm
by Robert Tawton
Hi Jason,

I have been there as done that! A most useful tip!