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SA Championship results.

PostPosted: Mon 20 Aug 2007 1:49 pm
by Gareth Tawton
Hi everyone the results as I had them, phoned thru while driving home are.

19 entries 11 finishers 5 runs over 2 days

1st R Tawton Gr Rt Ch Kadnook King of Kanberra (KING) 246.99

2nd G Tawton Gr Rt Ch Kadnook Prid ov Cork (MONTY) 239.32

3rd N Eltringham Gr Rt Ch Reveiter Jet Kite (TIKE) 238.32

4th J Lynch Rt CH Coalsgarth Tassie Fern (FERN) 233.49

5th J Vella Gr Rt Ch Kaemajae All Black (BLACKIE) 208

a special congratulations to Greg Playdon who finished with his flatcoat. Its the only flatcoat I can think of to finish a championship and Maggie Hankinson who was 6th after flying all the way from Perth. Bad luck to Judy Pannett from WA who missed the last bird of the trial after doing some nice work over the weekend. I am sure the West Aussie girls enjoyed the experience.


PostPosted: Mon 20 Aug 2007 2:30 pm
by Allan Bartram
Congratulations to all, but tell me Gareth , how did King score.99of a point, or moreso how did Monty get.32 of one ???

Cheers Allan

PostPosted: Mon 20 Aug 2007 3:11 pm
by Gareth Tawton

Good bloody question??? I am only the forwarder of the info but I assume the judge divided his score and uses a claculator without a rounding function :?


PostPosted: Mon 20 Aug 2007 4:36 pm
by Joanne Hagan
Thanks for posting the results Gareth. Well done to Bob and King on their win in SA.


PostPosted: Mon 20 Aug 2007 5:40 pm
by Gail Phoenix
Thanks for posting results Gareth.

Bob & I took the scenic route home.Got in mid afternoon today.

Few more facts & figures from the weekend

19 dogs started,13 completed the 3 runs on day one.
Of these 13 dogs,3 failed to complete the last run of the championship.
This left 10 finishers.

Joe's Blackie scored 208.83; 5th place
Maggie's Guiness scored 208.33; 6th place

We had competitors from WA x 2, NSW X 2, ACT x 1, Victoria X 5, SA x 3 and a New Zealander.

16 Labs, 1FCR, 1 Golden & 1 GSP made up the field.