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Error in National

PostPosted: Fri 10 Sep 2004 6:55 am
by Julian Bielewicz
I have been informed by Georgina Golle, one of the two National judges, that AMY LODDER in fact scored 313 points.

My sincere apologies to Amy. I must admit I was asomewhat taken aback when I heard the 213 read out. I may have been away from the sport for several years but something told me that was low for Amy's performance. I should have double-checked it at the time BUT it was late Sunday afternoon and both Fay and I had early Monday morning starts...

On the other hand perhaps age and hearing impairment are beginning to catch up with me. Fay tells me I've had 'selective hearing' for most of our married life.


[moderators note: I have amended Julian's report to correct the error in Amy's dog's score. Cheers, Jason.]

National Raffle

PostPosted: Fri 10 Sep 2004 8:10 pm
by Merrilyn Walsh
Having sold tickets and promising ticket holders to let them know who won the Hydrobath Raffle, can someone please advise?


PostPosted: Fri 17 Sep 2004 10:37 am
by Georgina Golle
35th National fundraising raffle - Hydro Bath
Winner - Mrs Anne Wedgwood, Gatton
Ticket No 1199
Thank you to all around Australia who supported our fundraiser.
Regards, Georgina Golle