
Post questions about training here to draw on the collective knowledge of the bulletin board members!

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Postby Prue Winkfield » Thu 25 Mar 2004 3:05 pm

Hi Kerry - agree with you that Australia is a paternalistic, bureacratic country but don't think we are altogether behind the 8 ball unless you think everying American has to be better - now there is a topic for debate -(just look at the threads on the Wildrose trial on our sister Bulletin Board)! My view is that e collars are a great tool if you require our dogs to do the sort of runs they have to in the US. If we want our trials to be like US Field Trials and think that is the best way to go, then we should be lobbying the Government re e collars. Personally, I would prefer ours to at least resemble hunting, even if only in Novice and Restricted. On the subject of other forms of discipline - a judge here was seen picking up his dog and shaking it by someone passing in a car and was reported to the RSPCA! Prue
Prue Winkfield
Posts: 705
Joined: Fri 14 Feb 2003 9:17 am
Location: victoria


Postby Alan Donovan » Fri 26 Mar 2004 1:31 pm

Hi Gareth

I can not imagine that the ANKC can regulate what people do in their own time and on their own property provided it is within the enforceable laws of the land. This regulation seems both unworkable and unrealistic in its current form.

The rule is quite clear - and I believe its existence well known. Hence the secrecy about using collars!

It is certainly "workable" - most people in the sport do not own or use collars. If somebody has bought a collar, not knowing the rule, they can store it away. Anyone who thinks it is unrealistic can take the appropriate action:

1/ Write to your local RAFT committeee - get their support and nominate it as an issue to be raised for the National RAFT committee

2/ The National RAFT committee should, if it supports the use of e-collars, state its case to the ANKC and lobby to have the rule rescinded

There are many rules on our conduct and activities which limit what we can do in addition to the laws of the land. As examples, the CCC(Qld) requires me not to:

1/Breed with a bitch less than 12 months old

2/Sell a dog to a retail pet outlet

3/Sell a pup at under 8 weeks of age

4/Permit my dogs to be mated with dogs of a different breed

They are all activities within the laws of the land.

In case there is difficulty finding the Regulation, try the website of the ANKC, and look at the "Regulations"!


It's never been a secret............

Unlike my dog Numnuts, I have no problem with the concept of e-collars, but if we start selecting which rules we choose to comply with - it will bring the sport into disrepute.

Cheers - Alan
Alan Donovan
Posts: 276
Joined: Sun 27 Jul 2003 10:27 pm
Location: Qld Aust


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