double rise problem

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double rise problem

Postby Sue Batchelor » Mon 04 May 2009 2:25 pm

This is probably way to simple for most of you experts but maybe some of the GWT people could help me (calling Pam, Viv).

On the way back to get the double rise, my girl gets half way there then turns and starts barking at me. She gets so vocal that she forgets what she is supposed to be doing, doesn't listen to my directions and fails to get the bird (this is all after successfully completing the mark).

Any ideas?? It's probably some simple thing that I am doing wrong.
Sue Batchelor
Posts: 105
Joined: Thu 20 Apr 2006 2:10 pm

Re: double rise problem

Postby Kirsty Blair » Mon 04 May 2009 4:56 pm

Hi Sue,

Sounds like she's confused to me. I'd go right back to basics and make sure she understands the cue word. Stand with her at heel and throw several dummies to land about three feet in front of you. Each time you throw a dummy say your cue word. For me its "One more" - you use whatever suits you best. Then send her on command "Fetch" for the first retrieve. For the next retrieve use your cue ("One more") then say "Fetch". Repeat that a few times. Finish for the day and keep doing that at a short distance for a few days. Gradually lengthen out the distance by taking the dog with you to watch you throw the dummies on the pile but then moving further back with your dog.

You'll know when the cue is conditioned because when you quietly say "One more" your dog will lock in on the area of the first fall. If your dog isn't showing this level of recognition she doesn't understand the command or the concept.

Hope that is of some help.

Kirsty Blair
Posts: 458
Joined: Wed 23 Apr 2003 7:41 pm
Location: Hawkesbury, NSW

Re: double rise problem

Postby Sue Batchelor » Tue 05 May 2009 3:56 pm

Thanks Kirsty. That makes sense and I will try what you say.
I will give her the benefit of the doubt about being confused.
To me she seemed to be saying that she had found her bird and it was my job to get the next one!!
It is very annoying that she can go from brilliant one week to a dumb blonde the next but they aren't called bitches for nothing.
Sue Batchelor
Posts: 105
Joined: Thu 20 Apr 2006 2:10 pm

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