blinds and cover

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blinds and cover

Postby Tony Rowland » Wed 10 May 2006 8:24 pm

hi all

Is it normal for a dog to move off line when first introducting light cover on a blind run. :? :roll:
Tony Rowland
Posts: 145
Joined: Tue 04 Apr 2006 9:35 pm

Postby FOM - Lainee » Thu 11 May 2006 5:51 am

I think it depends on the dog really - some have cheating little hearts from birth while some are more honest then others and then you have Bullet he likes to do it the hard way and will sometimes go out of his way to run through cover/obstacles!

Those dogs that are born with cheating hearts have to be maintained over their entire life and normally I'll throw in at least 1 to 2 marks/blinds a training session that has some form of tempting cheat to it, whether its cover, water, sloping hill, etc. Maintain high standards each and everytime! With these types of dogs I will also pick up at a trial if they make any attempt to cheat, even if we are winning because once they get away with at a trial they will try it each and everytime! They have to know they can't blow you off!

Those dogs that try to be honest the majority of the time, I'll normally do a de-cheating type of setup once a week or so. If they cheat at a trial depending on how big of a cheat it is and where I think we are in the placements I might let it slide, but the following week its back to decheating drills/setups!

Those dogs like Bullet who sometimes go out of their way in training to hit cover (i.e. I had a mark setup where he could of punched through a channel in the cover, instead he went through the cover next to the channel :roll: ) I just let them be in training unless they go way off course. In a trial, normally these type of knuckleheads figure it out and don't cheat and don't go out of their way to be overly honest, guess its the excitement of the trial?

Sorry for the long reply, simply put, sure 98% will cheat cover/obstacles when teaching blinds, hence why I introduce them back at the FTP or T/TT drills.

Remember to simplify and teach, teach, teach! Good luck and have fun!

Lainee, Flash (my cheater when he thinks he can get away with it) and Bullet (my bull in a china shop)
FOM - Lainee
Posts: 66
Joined: Tue 15 Mar 2005 2:05 am
Location: Colorado, USA

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