National Utility Field Trial Championship results

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National Utility Field Trial Championship results

Postby Diane McCann » Mon 27 Jun 2011 8:13 pm

The national field trial was held last weekend around Mitiamo in North Central Victoria. Thank you to Laurie Phelan and Steve Burke for providing paddocks and arranging the fantastic faclilities of the Pinegrove gun club where we had an indoor fire, huge kitchen, showers, toilets and a TV with a big screen (to watch Collingwood defeat the Swans).

The paddocks were perfect for a trial of this stature with the dogs needing to cover their ground and use their experience to find birds, and even more of their nous to produce them for the gun as these birds were the smart ones that had survived weeks of consistent shooting. Good conditions with a reasonably strong cool breeze blowing both days but no rain.

The trial was judged by Elio Colasimone of QLD and stewarded by Gus Stephens of Vic, both very experienced and well credentialled UD triallers, shooters and dog handlers. Each of these gentlemen ensured that the trial ran smoothly with all handlers put at ease and left in no doubt as to what was expected or needed from their own dog in order to be competitive. There was no surmising or stressing out back in the gallery as we all knew where we stood.

12 dogs were entered (11 GSP's and one Brittany) and all competed in round 1 in the field. All dogs had retrieves in this round and only one fell by the wayside with a fantastic 11 dogs taken to the water early on Sunday morning. The water fun consisted of a double blind split by a mark in the middle. The water was inhabited by a number of dab chicks and all of the dogs were distracted by them, sometimes they led the dog in the right direction and sometimes they did not! Unfortunately we lost 6 dogs on the water run leaving 5 to return to the field for round 2.

These 5 dogs completed the trial, congratulations to all, and Elio decided around 1pm that he had seen all that he needed to and we headed back to the gun club for presentations.

Many thanks to everyone for making this a truly great weekend, the camaraderie over the communal dinner on Saturday night was wonderful and the sportsmanship demonstrated all weekend was a credit to our sport. Huge thanks to Elio & Gus whose knowledge of dog work was clearly on display as was their professional conduct and easy going manner.

1st FT Ch Topnotch Leilani RRD R & D McCann 190 points
2nd Gr FT Ch & RT Ch Pointgold Obliterate D Mills 188 points
3rd FT Ch Pointgold Great Wish G Weston (handled by S Burke) 169 points

FT Ch Inkaline Nevada RRD R & V Thomas - finisher
Ft Ch Quailblazer Super X T Loft - finisher

I hope to have some photos up soon.

Diane McCann
Posts: 652
Joined: Mon 01 Mar 2004 1:55 pm
Location: Pearcecdale Vic

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