Three Handed Cast

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Three Handed Cast

Postby Mark Sewell » Sat 17 May 2003 10:45 pm

Hi all

I was hoping somebody could briefly explain what Lardy's "three handed cast" is.

Many thanks

Mark Sewell
Posts: 27
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Location: Sorrento WA

3 handed cast

Postby Kirsty Blair » Sun 18 May 2003 5:23 pm

Hi M&J,

From what I understand, the "Lardy 3 handed cast" is just another name for the baseball casting drill. This is where the dog sits at the "pitcher's mound" and you teach him the left and right overs and left- and right- handed backs. No offence to the US Pro's but they'll put a brandname on anything....

Feel free to correct me if anyone thinks I'm wrong - after all I'm just a newby! :D

Kirsty Blair
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Location: Hawkesbury, NSW

Postby Mark Sewell » Mon 19 May 2003 9:53 pm

Hi Kirsty

Thanks for your response. It was very helpful.

Kind regards

Mark Sewell
Posts: 27
Joined: Sat 19 Apr 2003 12:26 am
Location: Sorrento WA

Lardy terminology

Postby Peter Betteridge » Mon 19 May 2003 10:14 pm

Dear M & J
I beleive Lardy is refering to simple left over ,right over and right and left back. He usually teaches puppies this in a small enclosed area before extending it out to a full diamond baseball pattern. When he mentions 8 handed casting he refers to adding the 2 angle backs ,the straight come in and the 2 angle come in's. Lardy certainly didnt invent diamond pattern casting. Many people that I know have been doing this sort of casting for 30 years and had never heard of lardy. I assume you have his tapes. I also have both his tape sets but I found that he leaves alot out. (such as how to stop a dog) you could ask Bob Tawton about his training as Bob is the only Australian that I know of who knows Mike Lardy personally. If your interested in watching some really good tapes you could ask Geoff Cole if he would let you see his tape set of the 1992 Jim Swan seminar held at Penrith NSW. Jim Swan modified his training technique to Australian conditions using only the training aids that we use in Australia. Although they are an amateur production I found them to be a tremendous training resource. Like most Americans Jim Swan presents extremely well. The dogs used in the video are Australian dogs and are every bit as well trained as the dogs in the Lardy videos. if your interested you could contact Geoff thru the Working Gundog training and trialling club. Geoff's details are on the NSW page. Geoff and the WGTT club are the driving force behind this website.
The other video which I consider excellent is the Rex Carr - Dave Rorem tape set. They work with the amateur's dogs that are attending their seminar and you get an insight into the mindset of the legendary Rex Carr
hope that helps
regards peter Betteridge
Peter Betteridge
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Postby K Normanl » Wed 11 Jun 2003 7:13 am


I won't deny that Americans have a tendancy to put a "brand name" on just about anything......heh he heh :oops:

There are SOME subtle differences to Lardy's 3HC and regular baseball drill.

First, 3HC is used to INTRODUCE casting and is also used as a LOW PRESSURE "fun game" after force fetch (where you can use the "fetch" command to introduce "back" casting....."fetch-baaaaacccckkkkkkk"). You must use alot of praise at this time to teach pup casting.

Second, the distances in 3HC as opposed to baseball from pitcher's mound to 1st, 2nd or 3rd base are not nearly as great. More like 10 yards (or 30 feet maximum). You MUST remember to give 3 or 4 "back" sends for every "over" send.

Third, I hear about trainers over here in the U.S. who drill for MONTHS on 3HC (or baseball for that matter)....I totally disagree with this approach. Your pup will get bored. Use this drill until you see the lightbulb come on in pup's head, make sure they've got it and then move on......your second 3HC session, FTP and Double T will entrench casting skills.

So, your logical training progression is.....complete Force Fetch procedure, 3HC and OB (usually about 10 - 12 days), Collar Conditioning, a few days of easy OB, reintroduce 3HC and quickly move on to Force to Pile (FTP) and Double T. I like to suspend marking drills COMPLETELY during Force Fetch (to head off delivery problems) and REDUCE marking drills during 3HC (to minimize confusion). Substitute OB with LOTS of praise to cater toward the dog's need for success at this point. However, don't be so locked in to a training regimen that you forget to read the dog...some do fine with marking drills during FF, most don't though.

ALL introductory 3HC should be on a checkcord. If you read confusion, have a bumper in your back pocket to throw to the correct pile and then cast....remember, you are TEACHING the dog at this point. When you get to the second (reintroduced) 3HC session you MAY be able to dispense with the checkcord since your pup should have been debolted in CC...however, I strongly discourage using an e-collar for anything but to enforce OB (i.e. "sit" and "come") until FTP.

As stated previously, Lardy didn't invent this drill....he gives all credit to Rex Carr and others in the tape credits.

K Normanl

Postby K Normanl » Wed 11 Jun 2003 7:18 am


Here is a good link to Lardy's training flow chart

Remember...this is not a timeline, but rather a flow chart...each dog will progress at its' own rate.

K Normanl

Postby Mark Sewell » Sun 15 Jun 2003 10:41 am

Thanks for your advice CS.

Mark Sewell
Posts: 27
Joined: Sat 19 Apr 2003 12:26 am
Location: Sorrento WA

Re: 3HC

Postby Guest » Tue 17 Jun 2003 4:43 pm

Cat Squirrel wrote:So, your logical training progression is.....complete Force Fetch procedure, 3HC and OB (usually about 10 - 12 days), Collar Conditioning, a few days of easy OB, reintroduce 3HC and quickly move on to Force to Pile (FTP) and Double T.


You certainly have some good ideas. BTW (by the way) what is OB training? :oops:

Postby K Normanl » Wed 18 Jun 2003 2:51 am

OB ='s obedience

They're not my ideas though, all based on Rex Carr's program. :oops:
K Normanl

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