For discussion on anything retrieving related - trialing, training equipment, news, etc.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield


Postby Kerry Webster » Wed 31 Oct 2012 2:54 pm

I would like to make just a few comments about the possibility of a change to Novice and Restricted as mentioned here.

Yes, I agree that with small numbers of entries in both these classes, that a dog/handler can get their 3 wins and be elevated out of the stake, often, way before they are ready to.

In principle I agree with extending the number of wins in both these stakes, but I can also see that there would have to be some provisos listed for competitors who were in this position.

The issues I see that would have to be attended to are:

1. Can a dog still compete in both the class it has achieved 3 wins in, and also compete in the next higher level stake ?

2. Once a dog places in a higher stake does that automaticly bar it from competing in the lower stake ?

Personally, I think we would have more dogs competing in these stakes if they were allowed to stay in their level longer than just the 3 wins. As was said before, handlers who wish to elevate their dogs after the 3 wins will do so, but many of the newbies would really benefit from extra time in these levels.

Also, Tony, in W.A. in restricted trials, we often have triple retrieves, and also double blinds. Some blinds have been up to 120 metres, so control was required. Also, marks are very often at maximum distance of 150 metres. I think this type of testing should continue at this level to keep the standard of dog elevating to AA at a high.

My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dog thinks I am.
Kerry Webster
Posts: 827
Joined: Sat 16 Nov 2002 1:23 pm
Location: Boddington, Western Australia


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