GCSA RATG's April 10 and 11 Schedule

For discussion about Retriever Ability Tests (formerly Gundog Working Tests), schedules and results.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

GCSA RATG's April 10 and 11 Schedule

Postby Carmel Nottle » Thu 18 Feb 2021 7:58 am

Gundog Club of SA Inc.
Affiliated with the South Australian Canine Association Inc., is conducting it’s


Entries Close: paper – Sunday March 28th 2021; online - Friday 2nd April 2021 (No late entries will be accepted)

Venue: Grand Cru, Laubes Road, Springton, SA.

Saturday 10th April and Sunday 11th April 2021

Date: Saturday 10th April
Stakes: Novice followed by Open
Judge: Michelle Auld (NSW)

Date: Sunday 11th April
Stakes: Open followed by Novice
Judge: Lynette Lennell

Vetting time: 8:10-8:25am both days for all competitors
Start time: 8:30am

The Club reserves the right to engage a Reserve Judge if necessary.

All competitors will be required to assist with stewarding.

Entry Fees
Members: $10.00
Non-members: $13.00

Catalogue: $5.00 pre-paid only (both trials) or via Gundog Club and RA Facebook pages 2 days prior

Annual Membership: Single $15.00; Double $20.00 for 2 partners (extra partner $10.00 each);Pensioner — Age/Invalid $10.00; Junior $5.00. Financial Year: 1st November – 31st October. Please complete membership form.

Please include an email address on your entry form (or a ssae if no email and you require a receipt or directions). SACA Membership number to be on all entry forms, with required fee, cheques made out to Gundog Club of SA Inc

Prizes and awards
1st place Novice and Open RATG- Sash and Laucke Mills DIB’s Premium Dog Bits voucher
2nd and 3rd place – Sash only
Certificate to all qualifying entries.
Other cash prizes and trophies where donated.

Hot weather policy applies: if forecast temperature at 10.00 am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 32º or above the trial will be cancelled, unless there is ample swimming water on the property. Where an Exhibition is cancelled in accordance with the Hot Weather Rules, no entry fees will be refunded. Effective 1st January 2019. Contact convenor if in doubt.

This trial will be run under the GCSA’s Covid Safe Plan. The Saturday trial will be cancelled (with refund) if border restrictions apply and an alternative judge cannot be appointed for interstate judges.

RATG Eligibility and Rules: Refer to ANKC Website, Rules.
A starting pistol WILL NOT be used at these Retrieving Ability Tests. DUMMY: The type of dummies used shall be at the discretion of the Judge in compliance with the Rules. DUMMIES must be presented for inspection prior to close of vetting. Novice 2 dummies required, Open requires 3. Separate dummies required for each dog per Test.

Camping available – permitted from 2pm Friday
No Catering – Pizza may be available from winery (TBC)
There is to be No Training on designated Trial grounds within the 28 days before a Trial.
Carmel Nottle
Posts: 22
Joined: Wed 20 Mar 2019 3:32 pm

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