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A Little More Trial Info

PostPosted: Mon 08 Aug 2005 11:41 am
by Kerry Webster
Just wondering if people would mind putting in a bit more information in their trial results postings.

I, and others I daresay, am interested in knowing what the runs were for Restricted and All Age trials, and also numbers of starters and finishers in each event. Also maybe a short description of the site used.
It makes it a bit more interesting reading having these extra details, I think.

Although I don't put all these details in on the Trial Schedules and Results Posts, I do go into detail, with as much information as I have on each trial, on the W.A. page, so anyone can look up all W.A. trials at one click.

Just a suggestion.


PostPosted: Tue 09 Aug 2005 9:35 am
by Pat Thorn
And also what Breed of dog was placed. Qld seems to be the ones who omit this detail.

PostPosted: Thu 11 Aug 2005 6:19 pm
by Jackie Price
I think you will find that except for the last 2 trials I posted, the breeds were entered.
Kerry great idea but sometimes you just don't get the full results let alone know what the runs were like in another stake that you were not running in, but will try to put more information when entering results.
Jackie Price Queensland

PostPosted: Thu 11 Aug 2005 9:51 pm
by Kerry Webster
Hi Jackie,

I also had that problem, as apart from the Novice trials that I judge at, I do not attend any others, so, I have a couple of retrieving friends who are either competing in, or helping at, Novice & Restricted trials, send an email to me with the results, scores, numbers of entries etc.

This is usually received by me within a day or two of the stake, and then I just put all the details up on the site.
If I didn't have the assistance of these people, results would be delayed for quite a bit longer in getting posted.

Sometimes the secretary of the club holding the event is the one to contact, or even the judge.

We can only do our best, and with Qld having all three stakes run on the one day (and goodness knows how they manage to run them simultaneously), it would make the task a tad more difficult, but maybe asking a competitor from each stake to supply run descriptions and any other details, it would take the onus off you. Good luck.
