Wide Bay (Bundaberg) Results 8/9/10 June

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Wide Bay (Bundaberg) Results 8/9/10 June

Postby Wendy Michalk » Tue 11 Jun 2013 7:09 pm

Once again the long weekend trial was a big success , being not only a trial but a great social event with tea provided on both Saturday & Sunday nights, enjoyed around a campfire.
The weather though threatening rain was good trialling weather for QLD, shirt sleeves all weekend.
Special thanks to Ron Cooper(NSW) who so kindly judged all 3 days , we don't normally work our interstate judges so hard, however everyone enjoyed running under Ron this weekend.
Sat 8th June
NOVICE; Judge R.Cooper(NSW)
1st;J Christensen with Avokah Make My Day, Lab B 180pts.
2nd;P Angel with Tirnanoge Southern Flight, Lab D 174pts.
Congratulations Jake & "Nash" this win gives Nash his NRD
RESTRICTED; Judge G.Golle'
Restricted numbers (13) were the best we've had in QLD for some time.
1st; Richard Eaton-Wells with Gidgee Girl (IMP UK) Lab B 183pts
2nd; Sam Haigh with Tallowood Erolls Eley, Lab B 162pts
3rd; G Meeve with Brigodee Black Tie Affair NRD, Lab D 156pts
Congratulations Richard & "Shadow" this gives Shadow her RRD.
ALL AGE; Judge A. Golle'
1st; B Boonikoff with RTCh Lidlriva Onyx Gundy NSDTR D 183pts
2nd; L.Draper with RTCh OCh Lydstep Tanner, Lab B 159pts
3rd; D. Colasimone with RTCh Jagacey Nugget Moon, GSP D 155pts
Congratulations to Bob & Gundy the judge awarded Gundy a CM for outstanding work.
NOVICE; Judge H.Cattermole
1st; G. Dawson with Manark Summerstorm Lab D 159pts
2nd; P Angel with Tirnanoge Southern Flight, Lab D 132pts
Congratulations Geoff & "Ben" this win gives Ben his NRD
RESTRICTED; Judge M. Sullivan
1st; G Meeve with Brigodee Black Tie Affair NRD, Lab D 153pts
2nd; F Jones with Jopinda Gypsys Delight NRD, Lab B 124pts
ALL AGE; Judge R Cooper (NSW)
1st; L.Draper with RTCh OCh Lydstep Tanner, Lab B 169
2nd; P.Towning with Winterset Moonracker RRD GR D 167pts
3rd; B Boonikoff with RTCh Lidlriva Onyx Gundy NSDTR D 157pts
Congratulations Laurelle & "Tanner" on winning the Wide Bay Cup 2013

MONDAY 10th June
NOVICE; Judge, Paul Towning
1st; M Sullivan with Kellick Presure Makes Diamonds, FCR B 179pts
2nd; D.Rapson with Warakimba Rough Diamond, Lab D 172pts
3rd; P Angel with Tirnanoge Southern Flight, Lab D 168pts
Congratulations Marg & "Kez" this win gives Kez her NRD
RESTRICTED;judge R. Cooper(NSW)
1st; Sam Haigh with Tallowood Errols Eley, Lab B 177pts
2nd; G Meeve with Brigodee Black Tie Affair NRD, Lab D 164pts
3rd; H. Cattermole with Ch Springhi Trek Along NRD, FCR 156pts
ALL AGE; Judge T.Lodder
1st; W.Michalk with Dual Ch (R) Kellick Rhythm of Life, FCR B 169pts
2nd; L.Draper with RTCh OCh Lydstep Tanner, Lab B 122pts
3rd;E Colasimone with FTCh Yorifeld Topaz, GSP B 116pts
Last edited by Wendy Michalk on Thu 13 Jun 2013 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wendy Michalk
Posts: 322
Joined: Thu 17 Jan 2008 11:35 am

Re: Wide Bay (Bundaberg) Results 8/9/10 June

Postby Amand Golle » Thu 13 Jun 2013 9:43 am

I announced my retirement from Judging at the Wide Bay week-end where I Judged All Age as my final appointment.

This All Age event was won by B. Boodnikoff with his great Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever - RTCH. LIDLRIVA ONYX GUNDI. This gave me a great thrill as GUNDI performed magnificently and was awarded a CERTIFICATE OF MERIT, which we all know is not awarded very often.

My retirement from Judging after 32 years leaves me with great memories, as I had the privilege of assessing working Pure-Bred Gundogs in most parts of Australia and at every level, having judged Two National Championships and numerous State Championships.

I wish everyone in the sport good-luck in the future as I step back in my twilight years and cheer on the younger Judges.

Regards to all
Amand Golle
Posts: 63
Joined: Tue 28 Aug 2007 5:09 pm
Location: Ropeley

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