Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

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Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Mary Law » Mon 21 Jun 2010 8:02 pm

Saturday 19 June

Judge: Paul Hamson (NSW)

1st Lara Preston’s Aust Ch Schwartweib Black Magic ET (GSP Dog) with 160 points
2nd John Cash’s Gungrange Highland Lad (Lab Dog) with 151 points
3rd Steve Grainger’s Getreu Maid Ogold (GSP Bitch) with 151 points

Judge: Mr Paul Hamson (NSW)

1st Helena Cornelius’s Yeotrieve Lexie Belle (Lab Bitch) with 157 points

Congrats to Helena and Lexie on their RRD title.

All Age
Judge: Mr Joe Law (NSW)

1st Jack Lynch’s Nat & Gr RT Ch Coalsgarth Tassie Fern (Lab Bitch) with 172 points
2nd Joe Vella’s RT Ch Lindenlake Black Jazz (Lab Bitch) with 167 points
3rd Wayne Outtrim’s RT Ch Warwiba Braveheart (GSP Dog) with 165 points

Sunday 20 June

Judge: Mr Jack Lynch (NSW)

1st Steve Grainger’s Getreu Maid Ogold (GSP Bitch) with 160 points
2nd Lara Preston’s Aust Ch Schwartweib Black Magic ET (GSP Dog) with 156 points

Congrats to Steve and Maggie on their NRD title.

Judge: Mr Jack Lynch (NSW)

No finishers

All Age
Judge: Mr Joe Vella (NSW)

1st Joe Law’s Kadnook Remember Jazz AARD (Lab Bitch) with 167 points
2nd Wayane Outtrim’s RT Ch Warwiba Braveheart (GSP Dog) with 166 points
3rd Peter Betteridge’s RT Ch Featherhunt Justlikegabby (Lab Bitch) with 144 points

Congrats to Joe and Jazzie on their Retrieving Trial Championship title. Yay!
Last edited by Mary Law on Tue 22 Jun 2010 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mary Law
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Jason Ferris » Mon 21 Jun 2010 8:33 pm

Congratulations to Lara on Stinger's first novice win, Steve on Maggie's NRD title, Helena on Lexie's RRD title, and especially big congrats to Mary and Joe on Jazzie's RT Ch!

I was at all age for both days and it was great to see some really excellent work from Fern, BJ, Jazzie, Charlie, Abby and others. The sport isn't exactly thriving in NSW at the present time, but the quality of the dogs remains very high IMO.

Cheers, Jason.
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Gareth Tawton » Mon 21 Jun 2010 9:05 pm

Congratulations to all those who titled dogs on the weekend in particular Joe and Mary , well done. :!: I think that must be about Joe's 4th RT CH.


It is a shame to hear that trialling is not thriving in NSW I can remember when it was a fantastic state to trial in. I must admit to finding it a bit sad to hear several long term NSW/ACT triallers say they no longer enjoy trialling locally and would prefer to travel interstate for events.

At least you have now come out and commented in a public forum that things don't seem to be going so well in NSW. Often the first step in solving a problem is by admitting one exists. Hopefully all the NSW/ACT trialling fraternity can join together for the good of the sport and start pulling in one direction. They have a National to run next year!!!! Any idea where this years NSW Champ will be held?


PS: Here's to welcoming new competitors, encouraging new judges and having a democratic process to administer our sport.
Gareth Tawton
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Tony Rowland » Mon 21 Jun 2010 9:21 pm

congratulations to steve and helena on their titles.
Steve has battled on for several years and in the past twelve months has really kicked some goals is making good progress with maggie. Congratulations.
Its also good to hear that stinger got a win, lara - you must be stoked.
I hope any problems are not terminal.
working with the grey ghost, can be like catching fly with chop stick''
Tony Rowland
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Lara Preston » Tue 22 Jun 2010 10:00 am

Stinger and I had a wonderful weekend, thankyou to all involved to make it happen!!

A huge congratulations to Steve and Maggie, Helena and Lexie and Joe & Mary and Jazz on your titles over the weekend, it was great to see Maggie and Lexie work well deserved!!

Lara & Stinger
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Joanne Hagan » Tue 22 Jun 2010 4:17 pm

Congrats Lara and Stinger - way to go guys! Hopefully more wins to come yet this season :)

Joanne Hagan
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Wayne Outtrim » Thu 24 Jun 2010 1:45 pm

HI Gareth
Maybe you have read more into Jason's comments than was intended. For my part the two ALL AGE trials that i competed in last weekend were excellent trials that were clearly enjoyed by every competitor.The quality of the dogs work in these trials was a reflection of how good the trials were presented. The spirit of camaraderie amongst the handlers led to many comments about what a wonderful time we had enjoyed together. The fact that a few competitors were absent, presumably for their own good reasons,was not considered to be a problem.
Some of us are working hard to promote the sport further in NSW and have been rewarded with healthy numbers at training days. In fact, i have 4 or 5 new people coming to my place this weekend seeking more information and assistance and they hope to be trialling in the very near future.
For my part again, i enjoyed seeing Joe and Mary succeed in gaining Jazzie's RT Championship-their 5th dog trained to this level of achievment. We also had two handlers competing in A/A after recently gaining their Restricted Title and both appreciated the encouragement and advice given by all handlers.
Regards Wayne
Wayne Outtrim
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Tony Rowland » Fri 25 Jun 2010 10:43 am


I wish I had your rose coloured glasses :shock: :shock: :!:

working with the grey ghost, can be like catching fly with chop stick''
Tony Rowland
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Gareth Tawton » Fri 25 Jun 2010 2:02 pm

HI Wayne,

It is fantastic to hear the weekends trials were so successful and my comments were certainly not aimed at that weekend in particular.

With nearly 30 years of trialing under my belt I am also aware that every state over the years has had strong and weak times. It seems to be the ebb and flow of trialing. Those same states have also had times of political stability and times of political unrest. People with good intentions have allowed differences of opinion and personality clashes to interfere with what may be best for the sport. We can’t all have our way but need to find a way of allowing the majority to prevail when deciding the direction our sport will take. The old give and take..It seems that NSW is currently in one of those low ebbs.

I am not part of the NSW/ACT trialling seen these days, you would know better than me. But over the last few years do you think the average trialer is happy with issues such as.
Application of the judges training scheme and testing procedures.
The manner in which the rule review procedure was completed.
The fact NSW RAFT thru Dogs NSW manipulated the rule review process to change the game definition agreed by all the states at the National RAFT Conference.
The National Field trial sub committee couldn’t follow basic ANKC procedure and the National was cancelled.

I suspect where there is smoke there is fire and the “rumour mill” is spot on. Jason’s comment that NSW trialing is not thriving may be a reference to these types of issues. Only he would know and it is for us to summize. It is a huge shame for me to watch some decade old friendships become strained over politics. As a very good friend of mine once said. "at the end of the day its just dogs picking up dead birds"!!! The purpose of my comments is not to stoke the fire but suggest maybe its time to draw a line in the sand and start on a clean slate with the good of the sport at the fore front of peoples minds.

As most people who know me are aware it is not in my nature to stick my head in the sand and ignore a problem. I am more likely to Hit it full on. Maybe this is not the most sensitive method but usually proves effective in the long run.

Wayne it is fantastic that people like you are so dedicated to encouraging new people into our sport. The fact that all the AA handlers are so happy to offer advice to newcomers is brilliant and I am sure any isssues, if there are any, are certainly not terminal to the sport in NSW. Keep up the good work see you in sunny QLD

Gareth Tawton
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Peter Betteridge » Fri 25 Jun 2010 5:09 pm

gareth and tony
i have got to side with wayne on this one . my take on what jason was saying is that he was refering to the numerically small number of triallers even though the standard of dog work is very high particularily in all age
I dont beleive the average trialer could care less about the judges training scheme or utility field trials or what the NSW RAFT does.
like wayne i found the last weekend a very pleasant experience the comraderie amongst the handlers and judges is just fine
personally i missed my ACT friends but i dont beleive there is anything dramatically wrong with trialling in nsw
congrats to wayne for his efforts to promote the sport
lets not talk trialling down in NSW
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Joe Law » Sat 26 Jun 2010 11:40 am

Please consider the following viewpoint.
On the one hand you state that you are not part of the NSW/ACT trialling scene and that Wayne would know better than you. After saying that you then suggest the “rumour mill” is spot on and continue to promote the rumours. Hmmm!
While you seem to imply that the average person shares your views, I am more inclined to agree with Peter’s opinion of the average trialler who after all only wants to compete with their dog in an enjoyable recreational activity.
While you continue to surmise, as you suggest you do, could I suggest that this dispute is not about “dogs picking up birds” but rather about individuals who experience difficulty when some of their opinions happen to be successfully challenged.
It is with some interest that I also note your statement that the “National Field Trial Sub-Committee couldn’t follow basic ANKC procedure”. While it is almost certainly true that some mistakes were made I am wondering about the true motivational force behind the campaign to have this National Championship event cancelled. I would suggest that if there is accuracy in my wonderings then it could well turn out to be a sad day nationally for both the Retrieving and Field Trial (NRAFT) disciplines.
Jason’s view that “the sport isn’t exactly thriving in NSW at the present time” is fair comment but the spin you have attempted to put on his words is anything but fair.
Finally, if you are prepared to boast that you are a straight shooter I can only hope you are also able to cope with respectful but straight forward replies
Joe Law
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Gareth Tawton » Sat 26 Jun 2010 1:17 pm

Hi Joe,

I am sorry if I have hit a raw nerve. I repeat this comment from my post

"The purpose of my comments is not to stoke the fire but suggest maybe its time to draw a line in the sand and start on a clean slate with the good of the sport at the fore front of peoples minds."

I note your comment "could I suggest that this dispute is not about “dogs picking up birds” but rather about individuals who experience difficulty when some of their opinions happen to be successfully challenged." You obviously agree with me that there is some kind of dispute. Who are the individuals??? I don't care (we are all entitled to that opinion) but wouldn't it be great if some of those involved did draw a line in the sand and tried to start on a fresh foot..... We can only hope.

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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Joe Law » Sun 27 Jun 2010 9:14 am

The buck stops at the top. Setting up scape goats is no solution.

BTW a very special thanks to those who have offered their congratulations and appreciation of Jazzie's win and R.T.CH title either on this site or by PM. Mary and I would like to acknowledge Jazzie's breeder, Jill and Wayne Polke, and I understand that Jazz is the 20th R.T.CH their Kadnook kennel has produced.
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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Allan Bartram » Mon 28 Jun 2010 6:45 pm

As a member of the National Events Working Party I feel I must comment on your recent posts.of particular concern to me are the words "wondering about the true motivational force behind the campaign to have this National event cancelled".
Wonder no more,,at the risk of breaching the ANKC confidentiallity agreement I would like to try to clear up some misconceptions.

FACT; the organising committee of this event failed to comply with ANKC regulation 14 . 10 in respect to advertising the event to all member bodies.
Whilst perusing this regulation it is also worthwhile noting Regulation 7.1.1.which states: "A schedule/notice for any approved National Trial MUST be received by member bodies at least 3 months prior to the event for publication in their journals OTHERWISE THE EVENT WILL BE CANCELLED.'
These are ANKC regulations which have,in this instance, been in force since 1995 and as you see are quite specific.
These regulations were not adhered to by the organising committee and whilst SOME clubs had been advised of the event the fact remains that at no time was ANY notice distributed to the various State bodies.
Are you suggesting NSW should be exempt from these regulations?
It should also be noted that the Judge had been changed from the one originally advised on the accepted schedule, contrary to ANKC protocol.
Despite all of this the N.E.W.P. however, appreciated that these oversights could be attributed to human error and contacted both the ANKC administration and Dogs NSW and after considerable time and effort, devised an agreed dispensation format whereas owners of ALL qualified dogs (whom the organisers advised they had a list of) would be personally advised, by the Dogs NSW organising committee,of details of the event ,in a bid to keep the Championship "a goer". I am sure you would agree that it is only fair to give potential competitors from other States ample time to arrange time off/holiday /accomodation/travel arragements?
Dogs NSW also agreed that as no quail hunting season had been declared in NSW for 2010 that the event should be a "non shooting" event run on "Fur and feather"
A list of all qualified dogs/handlers was requested by the ANKC working party.
This too failed to materialise.
If these efforts constitute a "campaign to have the event cancelled" then I am lost for words.
I believe the N.E.W.P. did all they reasonably could to ensure the event came to fruition.The last thing we wanted to see happen was for the event not to go ahead.
Finally and just to make this absolutley clear, the SOLE reason (as officially annouced by DogsNSW)that the 2010 National Utility Field Trial was cancelled was due to the receipt of INSUFFICIENT ENTRIES .
I write this with no animosity but purely because I am fed up of being percieved as instrumental in the cancellation of this event when in fact huge efforts were being made to the contrary.

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Re: Results for WGC trials 19 and 20 June 2010

Postby Gareth Tawton » Tue 29 Jun 2010 5:51 pm


Now that is some straight shooting!!!! The silence may be deafening in some quaters but I for one am elated that you have made the effort to ensure the truth is heard. Perhaps now those that have been ill informed and mislead will be able to acknowledge so. While those leading a consistent smear campaign and personal vendettas will give it a rest and get on with the good of our sport. As Joe so rightly said "Setting up scape goats is no solution."

Lets look forward not backward. It's a better view :!:

Gareth Tawton
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