Hunting Retriever turned Obdedience Dog?

For discussion on anything retrieving related - trialing, training equipment, news, etc.

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Postby Prue Winkfield » Mon 19 Apr 2004 9:43 am

Congratulations Brian and Bosco - are you now 'hooked' to go the whole way?
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Postby Teresa Parkinson » Mon 19 Apr 2004 9:47 am

Congratulations Brian and well done Bosco! I think you both deserve a big pat on the back. Clearly, there was no leg humping involved. :lol:

Teresa Parkinson
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Postby Brian McMillan » Mon 19 Apr 2004 10:16 am

are you now 'hooked' to go the whole way?

I'm not sure if I'm hooked to that extent, but I am hooked enough to give it another shot. It would be nice to see a CD next to his HRCH title.

Clearly, there was no leg humping involved. [icon_lol.gif]

I personally did not witness any, but I sure did have a good time retelling Wayne's story to anyone who would listen! :lol:

Brian McMillan
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Postby Laraine Frawley » Mon 19 Apr 2004 3:59 pm

Hi Brian

Congratulations to yourself and Bosco. I came to retrieving from obedience and agree the excitement is just not there in obedience although I have had the odd dog who quite enjoys it. Before I discovered retrieving I kept my dog in the obedience ring as it was the only activity we could do together. Now I put a title on the dog and I'm out of there until ready to trial at the next level. I think most of us who have retrieving dogs come to grief at some time in the obedience ring with someone elses dumbell. I can remember the look of surprise on the face of the competitors dog in the next ring when my novice dog raced over and whipped the dumbell out from in front of its nose. I spent some time explaining to my dog that when he got his 3 novice passes he too could retrieve a dumbell in the ring!!

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Postby Maureen Cooper » Mon 19 Apr 2004 5:32 pm

Well done Brian and Bosco! I did Obedience with my first Lab too,got her CD in no time but CDX? She would bomb out each time with a different exercise and drag herself round the ring at heel, she even waited in the middle for me once when it was figure of eight exercise but when the dumbell came out she would come to life and fly out on the flat and also over the jump! Guess we were just the entertainment! Laughed at Wayne's Cindy as my Penny does the same to her mother at trials now which is causing comment, at least its not my leg! Seem to recall a dog belonging to Tony Morris (NSW) who had a penchant for humping tyres!!! Maybe we should have a section for most embarassing moments caused by a dog!

Maureen Cooper
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Postby Joanne Hagan » Mon 19 Apr 2004 7:47 pm

LOL, congratulations Brian! Just wait till you get to that last stay, & that's all that's between you & that obedience title - now that is suspenseful :) (especially when your naughty dog broke his stay in the trial the day before & you're praying he doesn't do the same on this day!!)

Glad you enjoyed it, sounds like you'll be back for another go!

Joanne Hagan
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Postby Wayne Parkinson » Mon 19 Apr 2004 9:01 pm

Well done Brian and Bosco.
Your post makes me want to run out with a lead and start training for..........
Well I'm glad that wore off. I think I'll go take a bath and dream about duck hunting tomorrow after work.

Again, well done.
Not sure I really wanted that leg humping story to spread as far as it has. :roll:

Wayne P.
Wayne Parkinson
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Postby Kirsty Blair » Mon 19 Apr 2004 10:02 pm

LOL Wayne! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kerry Webster » Tue 20 Apr 2004 3:26 pm

Hi Brian,

I live on the beautiful side of Australia, called Perth. Well done on your accomplishment in the obedience ring on your first try.

In Perth, we have quite a lot of the retrieving dogs also competing in obedience trials, and they also do agility, jumpers and some do tracking as well.

I did obedience first with my Golden, getting her CD in three trials, then, we went retrieving. The interest in obedience quickly faded in my dogs eyes, as fetching birds was way more fun. I did persevere however, and once a year I entered her in an obedience trial. She did get her CDX title & then the obedience was put on hold until she achieved her R.T.Ch title. Just this year, she has been in two obedience trials in an endeavour to gain her UD title, but, with three dogs to train and compete with in retrieving, and, try to do UD training, I am finding there isn't enough time in the day. I am hopeful we may still achieve UD before my girl is retired.

Keep up the good work Brian, as you said it is nice to have the title next to your dogs name, and besides, I don't think it ever hurts to give them extra obedience lessons.

By the way, my Golden doesn't agree that heeling is or should be, a part of retrieving, and it takes a heck of a lot of persuasion to convince her otherwise.

My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dog thinks I am.
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Postby Brian McMillan » Tue 20 Apr 2004 8:20 pm

To all;

Thanks for the Pats on the back; they are greatly appreciated.!!

To Wayne;

Don't you dare pull a Glenice; the board needs your sense of humor. :D Don't worry about the leg humping story; you can still show your face around these parts, should you ever come. Just don't show your leg! :lol:

To Kerry;

Thanks to Jason and my new found knowledge of Aus. geography,, I know exactly where Perth is. I kind of look at obedience like you do. The trial season in my area of the country is over until October so obedience is not a bad way to keep the competitive juices flowing. My training partner runs Goldens and she recently retired her male who has more titles than I can count. Moreover, the dog is a Master Hunter who I don't think ever missed qualifying. As far as all around dogs go, I don't think there are but a handful of dogs through out the country who have accpomplished as much. Our dogs can be muli demensional and are capable of so much; but I'm sure in their eyes, nothing tops hunting.

Brian McMillan
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Postby Teresa Parkinson » Wed 21 Apr 2004 5:03 pm


I really wish you'd stop encouraging Wayne! Now that he's virtually reached celebrity status :lol: (well, perhaps his leg has anyway), he'll be unbearable!

For the record, I'd like it noted that while I am happy to take anyone's training tips on board, this one of Wayne's is really stretching things.... :shock:

In fairness though, I should also point out that in the 18 years I've known Wayne, he has never had another dog respond to him with such obvious affection. The other noteworthy point is that Cindy is the only dog he ever got from his brother Graeme......

I'm not saying another word! :oops:

Teresap - who had better be nice 'cause Graeme's coming to visit this weekend!!!
Teresa Parkinson
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Postby Graeme Parkinson » Mon 26 Apr 2004 8:47 pm

Dear All

I was at Wayne's for a weekend shooting when he showed me this thread. I of course defended myself. I lost a little bit of credibility when we went outside to my truck and found Major humping his bed. :oops:

Congrats on your obedience debut Brian.

Graeme P
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Postby Lynne Strang » Tue 27 Apr 2004 1:43 pm

I am also from Perth and have competed in obedience and retrieving. I feel that my dogs do obedience to please me, but retrieve because they love it. I use fun retrieves as rewards for good obed. work. Competing in obedience trials does motivate you to put in the time on heelwork etc but as Kerry said, it does not always transfer.
A few years back I got CDX with Susie( who later became RTCh Finchaven Alana Ash) on the Saturday. Then on the Sunday we were in a restricted trial . The very polite judge said " I'm afraid I have to call you in. Your dog seems to be out of control". This caused a lot of amusement for the other handlers, with such comments as CDX means Completely Disobedient Excellent.
I heard of a retrieving dog that ,when given the arm signal for which jump to take, ran out of the obed. ring and fetched a dummy out of their car.
Lynne Strang
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