WA State Championship Results

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

WA State Championship Results

Postby Marilyn Dawson » Wed 31 Aug 2022 1:58 pm

The 2022 West Australian State Championship Retrieving trial was held over the weekend of 27th and 28th August, at a private property near Jennacubine. We had contracted our judge Michael Mason, from South Australia for this event, and with the very capable Allan Bartram assisting as Trial Manager, we had two days, consisting of a total of six runs, for the competitors to tackle. Twelve dogs were entered for our final trial for the season, and with just an early shower on the Saturday, then fine weather for the remainder, the first run got under way.
Run one, a doublerise and a two bird, had a well sighted mark amongst scattered trees, and splashy ground to cover to retrieve all three of the game. Unfortunately, four dogs did not complete this retrieve, and had a very early exit, and so eight dogs continued on to the second run, a doublefall. Again, shallow water over the ground to the mark, and the doublefall was immediately thrown as the dog was sent from the handler. This proved too much temptation for a couple more dogs, who ran in and picked up the incorrect bird, and so for the third run, we had six dogs still in the competition. Run three consisted of a walkup, at a pond, at which two shot were fired. One bird landed in the water. The other, a duck, flew on wounded to fall at a stump on the opposite bank of the pond (this was the blind). Handlers then proceeded to the firing point and fired at a mark straight ahead and off the left bank of the pond. Pickup was the blind, the bird in the water then the land mark. All the dogs completed this run.
Then run four, the last of the day, was in true duck hunting country, again with six inch water over the run. This one was a double blind and mark, using a duck for the left hand blind, a pigeon for the right blind, and pigeon for the mark inbetween. One more dog unfortunately was unable to complete all the retrieves, so five dogs remained in to continue to day two and the final two runs.
Sunday arrived with a fine day, and we moved to another area where the water runs would be conducted. Run five, consisted of a walkup mark to the right of the handler landing beyond a large bank of salt bush, with a body of shallow water to cross. The handler with dog at heel then proceeded towards another peg, and about fifteen feet in front, a rabbit jumped up and ran, which was shot at and wounded. Squealing, the rabbit continued on out of sight. Dog and handler then proceeded to the last pegs, and lined up for a very high mark, across the trail that the rabbit left, and again beyond the salt bush and out of sight of the handler. This was the go bird, followed by the walkup mark, then the wounded rabbit. One dog was lost on this run. Four dogs continued on to the final run. These were Paul Littlejohn (Tas) and his dog Blue, Lyn Wise (W.A.) and Ditto, Mark Jackson (W.A.) and Ozzie, and Kerry Webster (W.A.) and Tux. Three Labradors, and one working Cocker Spaniel.
Run six was a blind (mountain duck) across the river and along the bank. Then there was a walkup mark which was short and onto the opposite bank to the handler and left of the line to the blind, and then another mark to the right of the blind, thrown right to left and landing on an island. Pickup was blind, long mark, short mark. Unfortunately, Ozzie and Mark and Ditto and Lyn, were unsuccessful in retrieving the blind, which was most disappointing. The other two dogs completed the three pickups and were the only finishers of the six run trial.
1st Place was awarded to: Nativerun Bracken (AI) run by Paul Littlejohn with 309 points.
2nd Place was awarded to: R.T. Ch Brigodee Diamonds Bow Ty N Tux CM, run by Kerry Webster with 267 points.
Minor awards were: Best Veteran : R.T. Ch Ozzie of Aberdeen (Imp UK) RN CD and Mark Jackson
Best Non R.T. Champion: Kuven Lincolns Lady of Success NRD and Lyn Wise
Winning Team of three: Ellishea Wyatt’s Le Roux RRD run by Alex Deasy; Nativerun Bracken run by Paul Littlejohn, and Kuven Lincolns Lady of Success run by Lyn Wise.
So many people to thank for the smooth running of this Championship, including the wonderful property owners for allowing us onto their land for another trial. Our judge, Michael Mason, for his friendliness, and fantastic runs over the weekend; Ray Johnson for negotiating the use of the properties for us; Allan Bartram for his time and effort in picking up the judge, transporting him around and being so efficient in having runs set and ready. Catherine Thorburn for being our Trial Secretary, and for Al and Catherine for accommodating our judge; Gun steward extraordinaire, Anne Cameron; and stewards over the weekend, Anthony Nesbitt, Terry Little, Dennis Graham, Mike McClure; and competitors who stepped in to help out, Ian Molyneux, Ray Johnson, and Judy Pannett.
I hope no one has been left out. Others who made this weekend run smoothly were Maggie and Colin Hankinson who brought the guns, the shot, the birds, the perpetual trophies, and, supplied the portable toilet. And to the wonderful people in the State Championship working party who worked so hard over so many months with me, to make this year’s event a successful and memorable one. Alex Deasy, Mark Jackson, Ian Molyneux and Anthony Nesbitt, thank you all so much.
Here is the link for the photos taken on Sunday by The Wandering Photographers.
https://thewanderingphotographers.pixie ... vingtrial/
Kerry Webster
Chairperson SCRTWP
Marilyn Dawson
Posts: 163
Joined: Wed 16 Mar 2011 5:46 pm
Location: WA

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